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The Institute of Medicine recommends an intake of 1.8 times that of non-vegetarians (Position of the
American Dietetic Association, 2009).

Fresh Produce

Amino Acid and Protein

Maximizing muscle protein synthesis (repair and growth) with plant-
based proteins are inferior to animal-based protein sources (Whey/Casein) due to their poorer amino acid profile (Van Vliet, Burd, & van Loon, 2015). When on a restricted nutrition diet, please be advised that amino acid supplements as well as increased plant-based protein
supplements are recommended to reach all required nutrients.


B12- When removing meat from your diet, you increase your chance of having suboptimal B12
intake and/or deficiency (Allen, 2008). Some issues with low B12 are low memory, loss of
coordination, and difficulty speaking/moving. Which is not ideal, especially in our career field in
the Armed Forces.

It is advisable to supplement vitamin B12 in these diets as well.

Taking Vitamins
Fruits and Vegetables

Omega 3 Fatty Acids 

Essential Omega-3 fat is called ALA which is converted further to EPA and DHA, respectively, and these together are the 3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA are the most valuable for health benefits. You can get these fatty acids from fatty fish like salmon which already comes in the form of EPA and DHA. However, you can also get them from plant foods such as: Hemp seeds, walnuts, and chia seeds for example.


Calcium- Diets that do not contain dairy are missing one of the most common sources for
calcium. Because of this, diets that lack dairy need to pay closer attention to food sources to
ensure sufficient calcium is being consumed. Leafy green vegetables are a particularly good
source of calcium in vegan diet but pay close attention to quantity per serving.

Green Juice


Iron- The lack of meat in such diets also provides a lack of one of the best sources of iron.
There is iron found in plant-based foods, however, the issue is that the iron found in plant-based
foods is Non-heme iron, while animal iron is heme iron. Non-heme iron has a much lower
bioavailability which can ultimately require those on a vegan diet to take iron supplements. The
Institute of Medicine recommends an intake of 1.8 times that of non-vegetarians (Position of the
American Dietetic Association, 2009).


Creatine- Fish, red meat, and poultry have some of the best natural sources of creatine in a
diet. Vegan/Vegetarians may have lower muscle creatine stores, due to the lack of nutrients
being ingested. Creatine has proven consistently to have benefits in exercise performance
(Kreider et al., 2017). It has also recently been studied to help prevent the loss of muscle mass
and strength due to aging, while also reducing neurological disorders such as Traumatic Brain
Injury (TBI) and even Parkinson’s disease (Riesburg et al., 2016).

Healthy Senior Man
Vegetarian Based Diet: Resources

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Importance of trace minerals for Mood & Anxiety. Long Natural Health. (n.d.). Retrieved April
22, 2023, from


Van Dillen, S. M. E., Jaap,J., van B., Koelen, M. A., & Hiddink, G. J. (2013). Nutrition and physical
activity guidance practices in general practice: A critical review. 90(2), 155–169.



Vegetarian Based Diet: About
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